Upcoming Webinar: Identifying Community Priorities for Child Well-Being

Posted June 23, 2016
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog upcomingwebinarprioritizingwellbeing 2016

With all the mile­stones kids need to achieve to be suc­cess­ful, how can a com­mu­ni­ty come togeth­er to focus on crit­i­cal needs? Reg­is­ter now to join us at 1 p.m. ET Thurs­day, July 21, for the lat­est in our webi­nar series, Using What Works to Improve Child Well-Being.

This webi­nar series explores how tools from the Casey Foun­da­tion’s Evidence2Success frame­work pro­vide action­able data and an inten­tion­al process for com­mu­ni­ties to estab­lish pri­or­i­ties for improv­ing child well-being. These webi­na­rs are designed to help foun­da­tion and non­prof­it lead­ers, local gov­ern­ment offi­cials, com­mu­ni­ty-based ser­vice providers and oth­ers work­ing to improve out­comes for chil­dren and families.

The next webi­nar, Iden­ti­fy­ing Com­mu­ni­ty Pri­or­i­ties for Child Well-Being, will show­case the Youth Expe­ri­ence Sur­vey, which pro­vides pub­lic agen­cies and com­mu­ni­ties with a big pic­ture” look at how kids are doing and the strengths and chal­lenges that influ­ence their devel­op­ment. Sur­vey results describe the links between risk and­pro­tec­tive fac­tors and well-being and high­light areas for pub­lic agen­cies and com­mu­ni­ties to focus their pro­gram investments.

Reg­is­ter now for the webi­nar: Iden­ti­fy­ing Com­mu­ni­ty Pri­or­i­ties for Child Well-Being

1 p.m. – 2 p.m. ET, Thurs­day, July 21

Host and Moderator:
Thad­deus Ferber
Vice Pres­i­dent, Pol­i­cy Advocacy
The Forum for Youth Investment

Ilene Berman
Senior Associate
The Annie E. Casey Foundation

Kevin Hag­ger­ty
Social Devel­op­ment Research Group
The Uni­ver­si­ty of Washington

Jere­mi­ah Newell
Chief Oper­at­ing Officer
Mobile Area Edu­ca­tion Foundation

Rebec­ca Boxx
Prov­i­dence Chil­dren and Youth Cabinet

View the first webi­nar in the series, Pre­vent­ing Prob­lems Before They Start.