Two-Minute Reviews: Videos Recap 2019 Data Book Findings

Posted June 17, 2019
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Two videos recap the 2019 KIDS COUNT Data Book

The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s 2019 KIDS COUNT® Data Book is here! With it comes two new videos that break down key data-dri­ven top­ics: how the child pop­u­la­tion has changed since 1990 and how states com­pare in areas of child well-being.

Watch it now: How has the U.S. child pop­u­la­tion changed since 1990?

This video tells how America’s child pop­u­la­tion has grown — and grown more diverse — over the last 30 years, as report­ed in the 2019 Data Book. The quick two-minute clip also reminds lead­ers and com­mu­ni­ties to invest in poli­cies that expand access to child tax cred­its and health insur­ance while pri­or­i­tiz­ing edu­ca­tion and address­ing racial and eth­nic disparities.

Watch it now: How the states com­pare in the 2019 KIDS COUNT Data Book

This video touts the great work under­way in the North­east, which is home to six of the top 10 states in over­all child well-being (includ­ing No. 1‑ranked New Hamp­shire). Run­ning just two-min­utes long, the clip iden­ti­fies nev­er-been-bet­ter nation­al sta­tis­tics (teen birth rates and high school grad­u­a­tion rates) as well as data that deliv­er mixed results (kids with­out health insurance).

Both videos end with a sim­ple mes­sage worth repeat­ing — that all kids have incred­i­ble poten­tial and deserve an oppor­tu­ni­ty to thrive.

Check out the 2019 KIDS COUNT Data Book