Study: Foster Youth Fare Better When They Receive Care Until 21

Posted June 9, 2016
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog studyfindskidsdobetteruntil21 2016

Youth who remained in fos­ter care until age 19 were more like­ly to have a place to live, were enrolled in school and had health insur­ance when com­pared to their peers who were no longer in state cus­tody, accord­ing to recent­ly released find­ings from researchers at Chapin Hall Cen­ter for Chil­dren at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Chicago.

Researchers fur­ther found that those young peo­ple who remained in care until age 19 were more like­ly to have a high school diplo­ma, attend col­lege, have ade­quate access to food and enjoy an emo­tion­al sup­port system. 

[Stay­ing in care after age 18] worked for me and it’s worked for oth­er youth,” shared one youth from the study.

As part of its ongo­ing Cal­i­for­nia Youth Tran­si­tions to Adult­hood Study,” which began in 2012, Chapin Hall sur­veyed more than 700 tran­si­tion-age fos­ter youth in Cal­i­for­nia about their expe­ri­ences in fos­ter care at age 17 and at age 19. The study, which ends next year, will next inter­view the young peo­ple at their lives when they are 21.

Read more about the study’s lat­est find­ings.

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