Strengthening Rural Families: Avoiding the Money Trap

Despite working hard, far too many low-income parents in rural communities face severe obstacles on their path toward financial stability and success. They are often disconnected from resources they need to stay afloat and their communities struggle to provide family-supporting jobs and services.
This 25-minute video highlights financial problems that often ensnare rural working families, including payday loans, high interest car loans, high debt, poor credit and more. Through the stories of hardship and lessons learned told by real-life working parents in rural America, the documentary helps raise awareness among policymakers, service providers and advocates. It can also be used as an engaging tool for financial education.
The Casey Foundation believes that building more promising futures for vulnerable rural kids begins with improving the present circumstances of their parents. This video, and other resources like it, [link to search page for “rural” resources or blog?] were developed to advance our Rural Family Economic Success framework, which offers strategies to help families achieve three goals simultaneously for financial stability: 1) increase their income (“Earn it”), 2) stabilize their financial lives (“Keep it”), and 3) acquire assets and build wealth (“Grow it”).