Resources for Holding Icebreaker Meetings Between Birth and Foster Parents

Building working relationships between birth parents, foster parents, and caseworkers can be extremely important for foster children, and using Icebreaker Meetings can be an effective mechanism for doing that. However, to be successful, an agency seeking to introduce Icebreakers must understand how the practice works. This publication is designed to:
- Give agencies an overview of Icebreaker meetings;
- Describe a work group process for planning and implementing Icebreaker meetings;
- Identify common barriers and roadblocks to successful implementation of Icebreaker meetings;
- Identify implementation steps that are often overlooked or missed;
- Share successes and examples of agencies using Icebreaker meetings;
- Share samples of Icebreaker documents and materials developed by agencies from across the country; and
- Provide a self-assessment tool to guide your planning and implementation.
The Toolkit
- Icebreaker Meetings Guide
- Appendix 1: Icebreakers: Things to Consider Before or During Implementation (DOC)
- Appendix 2: Sample Grid of Roles and Responsibilities (PDF)
- Appendix 3: (3 files): Information forms for youth and parents:
- All About Me: Child (DOC)
- All About Me: Teen (DOC)
- All About My Child: Parent (DOC)
- Appendix 4: Sample Meeting Summary Form (DOC)
- Appendix 5: Sample Meeting Evaluation (DOC)
- Appendix 6: Use of Birth Parents in Pre-Service Training (DOC)
- Appendix 7: Use of Youth in Pre-Service Training (DOC)
- Appendix 8: Sample “Bridging the Gap” handouts (DOC)
- Appendix 9: Sample parent training outline (DOC)
- Appendix 10: Icebreaker Web Resources and Training Materials (DOC)
- Appendix 11: Tips for Youth Participating in Icebreakers (DOC)
- Appendix 12: 10 Tips for Supporting Youth During Icebreaker Meetings
- For Social Workers (DOC)
- For Resource Parents (DOC)
- For Birth Parents (DOC)
- Appendix 13: Sample Icebreaker Meeting Brochure (PDF)
The Icebreaker Training Video
The Casey Foundation has produced an 18 minute video to support the use of icebreaker meetings by child welfare agencies.
To order a DVD copy of the Icebreaker Meetings video, contact Dionisa Santiago.