The Rate of Kids Without Health Insurance Holds at 5%

Since the Great Recession ended in 2009, the proportion of children without health insurance has declined by 44% — going from 7.1 million to 3.9 million uninsured kids nationwide.
From 2009 to 2015, the risk of a child growing up without health insurance dropped annually. Over the last three years, however, this statistic has flatlined at 5% of the nation’s child population.
At the state level, California has seen the greatest dip in its uninsured kids count. In 2009, 10% of children in the Golden State were without insurance. By 2017, this statistic improved 70%, meaning just 3% of kids in California now lack health insurance.
The most recent data on record, from 2017, indicate that kids in Massachusetts are least likely to lack health insurance (1%) while kids in Texas are most likely to be uninsured (11%).
When compared to their uninsured peers, children with insurance are more likely to grow up in good health and receive medical care. Such a healthy start carries clear benefits, including improved academic outcomes and greater economic security in adulthood, according to research.
View data on children 18 and younger without health insurance.