Rate of Kids Without Health Insurance Hits New Low

Posted October 18, 2017
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog rateofkidswithouthealthins 2017

The rate of chil­dren with­out health insur­ance fell from 8% in 2010 to a record low 4% in 2016. This change result­ed in 2.6 mil­lion more kids pick­ing up health insur­ance over a six-year span.

Across the coun­try, 45 states report­ed declin­ing rates of kids with­out insur­ance. About half of these states — 23 total — saw dra­mat­ic drops of at least 50%.

Despite such big-pic­ture progress — one in which every major eco­nom­ic, racial and eth­nic group saw child unin­sured rates fall — dis­par­i­ties per­sist. Poor and low-income kids remain unin­sured at a rate that is three times high­er (6%) than their more afflu­ent peers (2%), and Amer­i­can Indi­an and Lati­no kids still top the most-like­ly-to-lack-health-insur­ance list.

Health insur­ance sta­tus is an impor­tant mea­sure of child well-being. Med­ical insur­ance cov­er­age helps sup­port a child’s healthy devel­op­ment and aca­d­e­m­ic growth. It also helps safe­guard fam­i­lies from finan­cial dev­as­ta­tion should a child fall seri­ous­ly or chron­i­cal­ly ill. Med­ic­aid, the Amer­i­can Care Act and oth­er state and fed­er­al pro­grams have made these improve­ments possible.

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