Providence Children & Youth Cabinet Produces Evidence2Success Action Plan

Posted April 28, 2015
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog providencechildrenyouthcabinetproducesactionplan 2015

The Prov­i­dence Chil­dren & Youth Cab­i­net, which coor­di­nates pub­lic sys­tem and com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers in the Foundation’s first Evidence2Success com­mu­ni­ty, has pub­lished an action plan for the Evidence2Success approach through 2018

The action plan describes col­lab­o­ra­tion among pub­lic sys­tem lead­ers to begin to real­lo­cate fund­ing toward a suite of proven pre­ven­tion and ear­ly inter­ven­tion pro­grams for young peo­ple. The pro­grams were cho­sen to address three local pri­or­i­ties — chron­ic school absence, emo­tion­al well-being and delin­quent behav­ior – and will serve more than 2,000 young peo­ple. The Chil­dren & Youth Cabinet’s work recent­ly attract­ed a state Health Equi­ty Zone grant that will expand the reach of two evi­dence-based pro­grams in West End and South Prov­i­dence: Pos­i­tive Action and Incred­i­ble Years. 

Evidence2Success helps pub­lic sys­tem lead­ers and com­mu­ni­ty res­i­dents work togeth­er to gath­er data on the needs and strengths of local youth using the Youth Expe­ri­ence Sur­vey. The action plan describes how the Chil­dren & Youth Cab­i­net has oper­at­ed as the local home of Evidence2Success, how neigh­bor­hoods were select­ed and con­vened, how data from the sur­vey was ana­lyzed and how pro­grams will be financed and imple­ment­ed over the next few years.

Read more in the Prov­i­dence Evidence2Success Action Plan.

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