Poverty Rate for Latino Kids Hits Pre-recession Level

Posted October 18, 2017
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog povertyrateforlatinokids 2017

In America’s bat­tle against pover­ty, there’s some good news to share: The preva­lence of pover­ty among America’s Lati­no chil­dren has returned to a pre-reces­sion rate — 28% — despite ris­ing from 2008 to 2013.

Good news: Among America’s youngest Lati­nos (ages 5 and under), the pover­ty rate has dipped to 30% — below the pre-reces­sion mark for this age group.

Despite these gains, the preva­lence of pover­ty among Lati­no chil­dren con­tin­ues to be high. In 2016, Lati­no kids were more than twice as like­ly as their white peers to live in pover­ty, and near­ly one-third of all Lati­no chil­dren were grow­ing up poor.

At the state lev­el: Pover­ty rates among Lati­no chil­dren range from a high of 39% in Penn­syl­va­nia, Alaba­ma and Ken­tucky to a low of 11% in Hawaii.

Poli­cies like the Earned Income Tax Cred­it, the Afford­able Care Act and child care assis­tance have helped low­er the nation’s child pover­ty rate. Look­ing ahead: Added sup­port and action are nec­es­sary to help reduce per­sis­tent dis­par­i­ties and ensure that all chil­dren — regard­less of their demo­graph­ic details — have an equal chance to grow and thrive.

Access eco­nom­ic well-being data on the KIDS COUNT Data Center:

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