Our Webinar on Trainings for Kinship Caregivers and Professionals

Posted October 20, 2018
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
The Casey Foundation offers trainings for those supporting kinship caregivers.

The Casey Foun­da­tion host­ed Kin­ship Care: What Child Wel­fare Pro­fes­sion­als and Kin Care­givers Need to Know,” a webi­nar for care­givers and the pro­fes­sion­als who work with them. Tracey Feild, direc­tor of the Foundation’s Child Wel­fare Strat­e­gy Group, and Joe Crum­b­ley, a respect­ed ther­a­pist, train­er and kin­ship expert, cohost­ed the session.

Watch the webinar

The webi­nar high­lights two Casey-spon­sored train­ing series:

It also shares infor­ma­tion on com­pan­ion dis­cus­sion guides that help view­ers bet­ter under­stand kin­ship care and how it is dif­fers from non­rel­a­tive fos­ter care.

More than 2.7 mil­lion chil­dren live with grand­par­ents or oth­er rel­a­tives today,” Feild says. There­fore, it’s impor­tant to talk about ways kin care­givers can man­age the con­flict­ing emo­tions that sur­face when rais­ing chil­dren whose par­ents are unable to do so.”

Pre­sen­ta­tion Slides From the Kin­ship Webinar