One-Fourth of Kids in Immigrant Families Are Living in Poverty

In 2015, one in four children lived in immigrant families in the United States. These children are more likely to live in poverty than their peers from U.S.-born families, according to the KIDS COUNT Data Center.
Statistically speaking: 25% of children in immigrant families live in poverty, whereas 19% of children in U.S.-born families do. Poverty rates for these children ranged from a low of 11% in New Hampshire to a high of 35% in Alabama and Arizona.
Living in poverty — for kids in U.S.-born and immigrant families alike — can have a wide range of negative effects on a child’s physical health, mental well-being and academic success.
Explore more family nativity data — at the state and national level — in the KIDS COUNT Data Center.
Children in immigrant families
Children living below the poverty threshold by family nativity
Children whose parents all have less than a high school degree by family nativity