New Webinar to Look Deeper at JDAI Results Data

Posted July 10, 2017
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog newwebinartolookatjdai 2017

Released on the 25th anniver­sary of the Juve­nile Deten­tion Alter­na­tives Ini­tia­tive®, JDAI at 25: Insights From the Annu­al Results Reports draws on eight years of data to high­light how par­tic­i­pat­ing sites have achieved sig­nif­i­cant and — in many cas­es — long-last­ing reduc­tions in rates of juve­nile incar­cer­a­tion and juve­nile crime. In a new webi­nar from the Casey Foun­da­tion, experts walk through the publication’s data and its impor­tance to deten­tion reform.

Watch the record­ing of this webinar

JDAI has always empha­sized the crit­i­cal impor­tance of data-dri­ven deci­sion mak­ing as a core strat­e­gy. Dur­ing this online event, atten­dees will take away key insights from the JDAI annu­al results reports and dig deep­er into both site-lev­el and ini­tia­tive-wide data includ­ed in the reports. In addi­tion, atten­dees will offer input to the Casey Foun­da­tion on ways to pro­mote and sup­port con­tin­u­ous data-dri­ven learn­ing and improve­ment across JDAI that:

  • takes full advan­tage of the large JDAI network;
  • uses more advanced technology;
  • pro­vides greater insight into racial dis­par­i­ties and oth­er areas of focus for JDAI sites;
  • is more respon­sive to the needs and chal­lenges of sites across the ini­tia­tive; and
  • focus­es JDAI’s data strate­gies, not just on mea­sur­ing progress to date, but also on guid­ing the pri­or­i­ties and direc­tion of deten­tion reform into the future.

The Webi­nar

Title: JDAI@25: Look­ing Deep­er at the Data

Time and date: 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET, Thurs­day, July 13

Descrip­tion: Atten­dees will learn key insights from the JDAI annu­al results reports and dig deep­er into both site-lev­el and ini­tia­tive-wide data includ­ed in the reports. Par­tic­i­pants will dis­cuss oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­lenges of con­tin­u­ous data-dri­ven learn­ing and improve­ment across the JDAI network.

Pre­sen­ters: Tom Woods, senior asso­ciate, the Annie E. Casey Foun­da­tion; Sele­na Tan, pro­gram asso­ciate, the Annie E. Casey Foun­da­tion; and Jason Melchi, pres­i­dent, Empact Solutions

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