New SSIR Case Study Shares Three Communications Lessons of KIDS COUNT

In a new case study for the Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR), Casey Foundation President & CEO Patrick McCarthy and Vice President for External Affairs Lisa Hamilton share three communications insights gained from the Foundation’s long-standing KIDS COUNT platform.
The case study, part of The Case for Communications series produced for SSIR in partnership with the Communications Network, describes how the project began as a data book that used common indicators to rank states, creating a powerful communications vehicle on behalf of children. The KIDS COUNT brand has expanded to include policy reports and data snapshots that continuously leveraged the expertise of KIDS COUNT organizations in all 50 states, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, while the Foundation created an online Data Center that engaged journalists and became a ready resource for child advocates.
The series is published as a new report from the Foundation is released, tracing the quarter-century evolution of KIDS COUNT into a critical philanthropic platform.
Read the KIDS COUNT case study in the Stanford Social Innovation Review
Read From Project to Platform: The Evolution of KIDS COUNT