New Online Collection of Resources on Youth and Young Adults

We recently teamed up with Foundation Center to create a special collection of resources focused on the millions of young people ages 16–24 who are not in school or working — often called disconnected youth.
In a post on Foundation Center’s blog , Casey’s Bob Giloth talks about the new IssueLab collection, which brings together nearly 140 reports, evaluations and other publications from nonprofits and foundations across the country.The post also highlights the Foundation’s commitment to creating more opportunities for young people and describes our investments to that end, which have grown significantly since we released Youth and Work: Restoring Teen and Young Adult Connections to Opportunity in 2012.
Casey commissioned this library in hopes of sharing the latest promising practices, insights and research — as well as how people are grappling with such issues as addressing the trauma young people have experienced and advancing racial and ethnic equity — in one convenient place. We hope others will contribute additional resources to further bolster the collection, build our knowledge and inform our efforts so that even more young people can realize their full potential.
Check out the post and explore the IssueLab collection
Learn More About Casey’s Initiatives Focused on Teens and Young Adults
Generation Work
Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative
Learn and Earn to Achieve Potential (LEAP)™