New Leadership Video: Get Results by Understanding Person-Role-System

Posted December 10, 2015
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog Get Resultsby Understanding Person Role System 2015

Under­stand­ing the con­cept of Per­son-Role-Sys­tem — and a process called B/ART — can help lead­ers achieve large-scale results for pop­u­la­tions of kids and fam­i­lies. Learn about both of these top­ics in a new video, which is the first in a series devot­ed to results-based leadership.

Watch the video to learn more about these tools:

Per­son-Role-Sys­tem explores how you inhab­it your work as a leader and urges you to look beyond job titles and descrip­tions. Your unique back­sto­ry — includ­ing past fam­i­ly, edu­ca­tion­al and cul­tur­al expe­ri­ences – have sig­nif­i­cant­ly shaped how you approach your work and inter­act with oth­ers. You car­ry these unique expe­ri­ences with you, and they influ­ence the many dif­fer­ent roles and sys­tems you inhabit.

This con­cept may seem obvi­ous, but active­ly think­ing about how you oper­ate in the world can help pin­point your strengths as a leader while clar­i­fy­ing what oth­ers have to offer. This self-aware­ness exer­cise can also prompt you to move beyond for­mal job titles and explore how you can be effec­tive while still respect­ing the con­structs of the orga­ni­za­tions and groups involved.

B/ART – which stands for Bound­aries of Author­i­ty, Role and Task – can help you achieve this height­ened lev­el of aware­ness. B/ART analy­sis helps indi­vid­u­als and groups define the work they can do. Even more, it can help you to move from talk to action by iden­ti­fy­ing how you can con­tribute and what you need to ask of oth­ers occu­py­ing dif­fer­ent roles in order to achieve your desired results.

Learn more about the Foundation’s approach to results-based leadership

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