Most Kids Exit Foster Care With a Permanent Connection to a Family

Posted April 18, 2017
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog mostkidsexitfostercare 2017

More than 240,000 chil­dren exit­ed the fos­ter care sys­tem in 2015, accord­ing to the KIDS COUNT Data Center.

When researchers adopt­ed a broad def­i­n­i­tion of fam­i­ly — one that is inclu­sive of birth par­ents, guardians, rel­a­tives, pri­ma­ry care­givers and adopt­ed par­ents — they found that most of the kids who left care in 2015 (88%) exit­ed to family.

They also found that:

  • 63% were 10 years old or younger;
  • 52% were male;
  • 45% were white;
  • 51% uni­fied with their par­ents or pri­ma­ry care­tak­ers; and
  • 12% left the sys­tem with­out a con­nec­tion to a per­ma­nent family.

To learn more about kids exit­ing fos­ter care — and view data at the state and nation­al lev­el — go to the KIDS COUNT Data Center:

Chil­dren exit­ing fos­ter care
Chil­dren exit­ing fos­ter care by age group
Chil­dren exit­ing fos­ter care by gender
Chil­dren exit­ing fos­ter care by race and His­pan­ic origin
Chil­dren exit­ing fos­ter care by exit reason