Mortality Rates for Children Improved Across the Board

Posted December 10, 2014
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog Mortality Ratesfor Children Improved 2014

In the past three decades, the Unit­ed States has made across-the-board progress in improv­ing the rates of mor­tal­i­ty among chil­dren (from birth to age 19). For exam­ple, the child and teen mor­tal­i­ty rate has improved by 43%, drop­ping from 46 deaths per 100,000 chil­dren and teens in 1990 to 26 per 100,000 (rep­re­sent­ing 10,800 few­er deaths) in 2011. All racial and eth­nic groups, as well as kids of all ages, have seen declin­ing mor­tal­i­ty rates due to med­ical advances and increased safe­ty mea­sures, such as more wide­spread use of seat belts, care seats and bike helmets.

Find new health data for the nation, states and 50 largest U.S. cities in the KIDS COUNT Data Center:

Infant Mor­tal­i­ty
Infant Mor­tal­i­ty by Race
Child Deaths
Child Deaths by Race 
Teen Deaths From All Caus­es 
Teen Deaths From All Caus­es by Race
Teen Deaths by Acci­dent, Homi­cide and Suicide
Child and Teen Death Rate
Child and Teen Death Rate by Race

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