More than 20% of U.S. Kids Have Not Had Preventative Dental Care

Posted April 19, 2018
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
More than 20% of U.S. Kids Have Not Had Preventative Dental Care

In the Unit­ed States, 54 mil­lion chil­dren had received pre­ven­ta­tive den­tal care in the last year, accord­ing to 20152016 data. This total rep­re­sents 79% of kids nationwide.

Pre­ven­tive den­tistry is espe­cial­ly impor­tant for kids, whose teeth, mouth and gums are still devel­op­ing. Treat­ing cav­i­ties and abnor­mal­i­ties ear­ly — rather than wait­ing for den­tal prob­lems to ful­ly devel­op — saves patients time, pain and mon­ey, accord­ing to experts. Even more impor­tant: A healthy mouth helps chil­dren main­tain bet­ter self-esteem, nutri­tion and over­all health.

Chil­dren in Mis­sis­sip­pi, Flori­da and Mis­souri are the least like­ly to have teeth in excel­lent or very good health (73%) while chil­dren in New Hamp­shire are most like­ly to have healthy teeth (88%).

Children whose teeth are in excellent or very good condition

Access more health data on the KIDS COUNT Data Center:

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