More Teens With High School Diploma

In 2013, 4 percent of teens ages 16 to 19 (730,000 young people) were not in school and were not high school graduates. The rates of teens without a high school diploma improved 64% from 2000, when there were 1.6 million teens in that situation. Since 2000, every state except North Dakota saw an improvement in teens who have a high school diploma. New Hampshire saw the most improvement (its rate of teens who were not graduates went from 9% to 1%), while North Dakota’s rate worsened (from 3% to 5%).
Find new education and employment data available for the nation, states, the District of Columbia and the 50 largest U.S. cities in the KIDS COUNT Data Center:
Teens ages 16 to 19 not in school and not high school graduates
Teens ages 16 to 19 not attending school and not working
Unemployed teens ages 16 to 19