More Children With Parents Who Lack Secure Employment

Posted December 9, 2014
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog More Children With Parents Who Lack Secure Employment 2014

In 2013, one in three chil­dren (23 mil­lion kids) lived in fam­i­lies in which nei­ther par­ent had a reg­u­lar, full-time job. With­out at least one par­ent employed full time, chil­dren are more like­ly to fall into pover­ty. Even a full-time job at a low wage isn’t nec­es­sar­i­ly enough. With­out access to ben­e­fits and tax cred­its, one adult in a two-par­ent fam­i­ly with two chil­dren would need to earn $11.64 per hour work­ing 40 hours per week for 50 weeks per year just to reach the pover­ty line. Mis­sis­sip­pi had the high­est rate of chil­dren liv­ing with par­ents who lack secure employ­ment (39%), while North Dako­ta had the low­est (20%).

Dis­cov­er new employ­ment data avail­able for the nation, states and the 50 largest cities in the KIDS COUNT Data Center:

Chil­dren liv­ing in low-income work­ing fam­i­lies by age group 
Chil­dren liv­ing in low-income house­holds where no adults work 
Chil­dren whose par­ents lack secure employment
Chil­dren ages 6 to 12 with all avail­able par­ents in the labor force
Chil­dren with­out a vehi­cle at home

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