MOMS Partnership Unveils Community Hub for Mothers in New Haven Grocery Store

Posted March 24, 2015
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog momspartnershipunveilscommunityhub 2015

The New Haven Men­tal Health Out­reach for Moth­erS (MOMS) Part­ner­ship in Con­necti­cut is all about meet­ing low-income moth­ers where they are, with the goal of help­ing them over­come chal­lenges rang­ing from buy­ing dia­pers to deal­ing with stress and social iso­la­tion. The part­ner­ship — a col­lab­o­ra­tion of agen­cies through­out New Haven and one of our grantees — recent­ly took that com­mit­ment to a new lev­el with the open­ing of one of its com­mu­ni­ty-based hubs in a Stop & Shop gro­cery store. 

This new hub, the third in New Haven and part of a plan for 12 hubs through­out the city, will fur­ther advance the partnership’s efforts to address basic needs and the men­tal health and employ­ment issues that par­ents face — giv­ing them the sup­port they need so they, in turn, can sup­port their chil­dren. By locat­ing them in areas where women fre­quent­ly gath­er in their dai­ly lives, the hope is to make access­ing men­tal health care easier.

Read more about the new hub and MOMS Partnership’s work.

Addi­tion­al Resources

Check out our recent pol­i­cy report on two-gen­er­a­tion strate­gies, which high­lights the ways in which MOMS Part­ner­ship and oth­ers strive to address the needs of chil­dren and their par­ents at the same time so that both can suc­ceed together.