Missouri County Maps Youth Programs

Posted December 17, 2012
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation

Mem­bers of John­son Coun­ty, Mis­souri, JDAI are cre­at­ing a coun­ty-wide inven­to­ry of avail­able youth pro­grams as they pre­pare for the elim­i­na­tion of state fund­ing for staff at their under­uti­lized juve­nile deten­tion cen­ter on Jan­u­ary 12012

The collaborative’s mem­bers, includ­ing res­i­dents, cler­gy, edu­ca­tors, law enforce­ment, and pub­lic health work­ers, are map­ping” pro­grams in each town in the coun­ty, accord­ing to an arti­cle pub­lished by online news site dig​i​tal​Burg​.com in July. 

It’s going to show where the defi­cien­cies are and the strengths,” Hol­li Burge, a pub­lic health nurse edu­ca­tor and col­lab­o­ra­tive mem­ber, told dig­i­tal­Burg. We’ll be able to see all the resources on one table.”

For more infor­ma­tion con­tact Pat­ty Has­sel­bring at patty@​grantsandbeyond.​com