Members of the 2010-2011 Children and Family Fellowship

Posted May 3, 2010
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog membersofthe2010 2011 Childrenand Family Fellowship 2011

Above: (front) Jeff Edmond­son, Car­ni­tra White, Tren­ny Sto­vall, Hei­di McIn­tosh, Daniel Dodd-Ramirez, San­dra Gas­ca-Gon­za­lez; (mid­dle) Eliz­a­beth Black, Christo­pher Caru­so, Hyeok Kim, Ryan Chao, Tanya Ander­son, David Jack­son, Michael McAfee; (back) Sam Cobbs, Hen­ri­et­ta Munoz, Enid Rey, Glo­ria O’Neill, Ron Jackson

As part of the eighth class of the Chil­dren and Fam­i­ly Fel­low­ship, the fol­low­ing com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers are work­ing toward sys­tem reforms that help kids and families:

Tanya Ander­son
Chief of Clin­i­cal Ser­vices Sys­tem, Divi­sion of Men­tal Health
Illi­nois Depart­ment of Human Services
Chica­go, IL

Eliz­a­beth Black
Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the Office of Child Permanency
Ten­nessee Depart­ment of Children’s Service
Nashville, TN

Christo­pher Caruso
Assis­tant Commissioner
New York City Depart­ment of Youth and Com­mu­ni­ty Development
New York, NY

Ryan Chao
Exec­u­tive Director
Satel­lite Housing
Berke­ley, CA

Sam Cobbs
Chief Exec­u­tive Officer
First Place for Youth
Oak­land, CA

Daniel Dodd
Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of Step Up Savannah
City of Savannah
Savan­nah, GA

Jef­frey Edmondson
Exec­u­tive Director
Cincin­nati, OH

San­dra Gasca-Gonzalez
KVC Behav­ioral Health­Care Nebras­ka, Inc.
Oma­ha, NE

David Jack­son
Pres­i­dent and Chief Exec­u­tive Officer
Cen­ter for Work­ing Fam­i­lies, Inc.
Atlanta, GA

Ron Jack­son
Metro Unit­ed Way
Louisville, KY

Hyeok Kim
Exec­u­tive Director
Inter­im Com­mu­ni­ty Devel­op­ment Association
Seat­tle, WA

Michael McAfee
Senior Com­mu­ni­ty Plan­ning and Devel­op­ment Representative
U.S. Depart­ment of Hous­ing and Urban Development
Chica­go, IL

Hei­di McIntosh
Deputy Commissioner
Con­necti­cut Depart­ment of Chil­dren and Families
Hart­ford, CT

Hen­ri­et­ta Munoz
Senior Man­age­ment Analyst/​Site Manager
City of San Antonio’s Depart­ment of Com­mu­ni­ty Initiatives
San Anto­nio, TX

Glo­ria O’Neill
Chief Exec­u­tive Officer
Cook Inlet Trib­al Council
Anchor­age, AK

Enid Rey
City of Hart­ford, Office for Youth Services
Hart­ford, CT

Tren­ny Stovall
Dekalb Coun­ty Child Advo­ca­cy Center
Decatur, GA

Car­ni­tra White
Exec­u­tive Direc­tor, Social Ser­vices Administration
Mary­land Depart­ment of Human Resources
Bal­ti­more, MD

Down­load the 2010-11 Chil­dren and Fam­i­ly Fel­low­ship Brochure with Par­tic­i­pant Profiles

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