Members of the 2007-2008 Children and Family Fellowship

Posted March 31, 2007
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog membersofthe2007 Childrenand Family Fellowship 2007

Above: (front) Tyron­da Minter, Tony Thur­mond, Karen Baynes-Dun­ning, Juani­ta Valdez-Cox, Mar­i­an Urquil­la, Robin Brule; (mid­dle) Steven McCul­lough, Fred Black­well, Alice Shobe, Dana Jack­son, Chris McIn­nish, Rafael Lopez; (back) Anne Williams-Isom, Vin­odh Kut­ty, Daniel Car­di­nali, Dou­glas Ammar

As part of the sev­enth class of the Chil­dren and Fam­i­ly Fel­low­ship, the fol­low­ing com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers are work­ing toward sys­tem reforms that help kids and families:

Dou­glas Ammar
Exec­u­tive Director
Geor­gia Jus­tice Project
Atlanta, GA

Karen Baynes
Asso­ciate Direc­tor for Gov­ern­men­tal Services
Carl Vin­son Insti­tute of Gov­ern­ment, Uni­ver­si­ty of Georgia
Athens, GA

Fred Black­well
San Fran­cis­co Office of Com­mu­ni­ty Development
San Fran­cis­co, CA

Robin Brule
Exec­u­tive Director
Cen­tral New Mex­i­co Col­lege Foundation
Albu­querque, NM

Daniel Car­di­nali
Com­mu­ni­ties in Schools
Arling­ton, VA

Dana Jack­son
Mak­ing Con­nec­tions Initiative
Louisville, KY

Vin­odh Kutty
Hen­nepin Coun­ty Office of Mul­ti-Cul­tur­al Services
Min­neapo­lis, MN

Rafael Lopez
Exec­u­tive Director
Com­mis­sion for Chil­dren, Youth, and Families 
Los Ange­les, CA

Steven McCol­lough
Pres­i­dent and CEO
Bethel New Life, Inc.
Chica­go, IL

Chris McIn­nish
Deputy Commissioner
Alaba­ma Depart­ment of Children’s Affairs
Mont­gomery, AL

Tyron­da Minter
Pro­gram Director
Met­ro­pol­i­tan Youth Oppor­tu­ni­ties Initiative 
Atlanta, GA

Alice Shobe
Sound Fam­i­lies Initiative
Seat­tle, WA

Tony Thur­mond
Beyond Emancipation
Oak­land, CA

Mar­i­an Urquilla
Colum­bia Heights/​Shaw Fam­i­ly Sup­port Collaborative 
Wash­ing­ton, DC

Juani­ta Valdez-Cox
La Union del Pueblo Entero
San Juan, TX

Anne Williams-Isom
Deputy Commissioner 
New York City Admin­is­tra­tion for Children’s Services
New York, NY

Down­load the 2007-08 Chil­dren and Fam­i­ly Fel­low­ship Brochure with Par­tic­i­pant Profiles

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