May 15 Webinar: Preparing Young People for Workplace Success

Posted May 10, 2018
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Young people develop skills to succeed at work.

Credit: Jason E. Miczek for the Annie E. Casey Foundation

A decade after the Great Reces­sion, mil­lions of job seek­ers in their late teens and twen­ties are still strug­gling to land and keep mean­ing­ful work. Tra­di­tion­al approach­es are fail­ing too many young peo­ple — even as the econ­o­my improves.

One promis­ing alter­na­tive? An approach called Pos­i­tive Youth Devel­op­ment (PYD), which focus­es on cre­at­ing a sup­port­ive and safe learn­ing envi­ron­ment that enables young peo­ple to advance their skills while cul­ti­vat­ing con­nec­tions to school, fam­i­ly, work and community.

On May 15, the Annie E. Casey Foun­da­tion and Child Trends are host­ing a webi­nar that explores how PYD can help young peo­ple suc­ceed on the job and intro­duces a new tool that orga­ni­za­tions can use to help apply PYD strate­gies in work­force devel­op­ment settings.

Reg­is­ter for the webinar

Webi­nar par­tic­i­pants will also learn about Gen­er­a­tion Work. A mul­ti-site, mul­ti­year Casey Foun­da­tion ini­tia­tive, Gen­er­a­tion Work uti­lizes PYD to help young peo­ple — par­tic­u­lar­ly youth of col­or — gain the knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence nec­es­sary to suc­ceed in today’s job market.

Pos­i­tive youth devel­op­ment prac­tices — includ­ing men­tor­ing and work-based learn­ing — are key ele­ments of Gen­er­a­tion Work,” says Casey’s Alli­son Ger­ber, who over­sees the ini­tia­tive and will be mod­er­at­ing the hour-long webi­nar. I’m excit­ed to share what’s been hap­pen­ing across the five local part­ner­ships and to dis­cuss how PYD — cou­pled with demand-dri­ven work­force strate­gies — can help young peo­ple devel­op the skills and rela­tion­ships need­ed to nav­i­gate the world of work.”

Resources that may be men­tioned in the webi­nar include:

  • The PILOT Assess­ment: A Child Trends pub­li­ca­tion and assess­ment tool aimed at help­ing work­force devel­op­ment orga­ni­za­tions under­stand and imple­ment PYD strate­gies. Its rec­om­men­da­tions are informed by Casey’s Gen­er­a­tion Work initiative.
  • Gen­er­a­tion Work: A Casey Foun­da­tion report that checks in on the five Gen­er­a­tion Work sites and shares ear­ly lessons learned from the field.

Webi­nar Information

  • What: Pos­i­tive Youth Devel­op­ment: Prepar­ing Young Peo­ple for Suc­cess in the Workplace
  • When: Tues­day, May 15, 2018, at 1:30 p.m. EDT
  • Reg­is­tra­tion pass­word: Work
  • Reg­is­ter for this webinar