Preschool Enrollment Remains Below Pre-Pandemic Levels, While Uneven Access and Quality Persist

Updated October 27, 2024 | Posted October 24, 2023
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
A younng child plays at a table with a train of magnetic wooden numbers

As chil­dren across the coun­try set­tle into the new school year, a con­cern­ing nation­al trend remains true: Over 50% of America’s preschool-age kids are not in school, and enroll­ment remains below pre-pan­dem­ic fig­ures, accord­ing to researchers.

Ear­ly edu­ca­tion pro­grams are invalu­able in prepar­ing chil­dren for ele­men­tary school. Such pro­grams are asso­ci­at­ed with improved aca­d­e­m­ic achieve­ment and emo­tion­al and phys­i­cal health. Preschool also plays a key role in reduc­ing aca­d­e­m­ic and health dis­par­i­ties by socioe­co­nom­ic sta­tus and race. Yet, access to high-qual­i­ty ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion is lim­it­ed for many Amer­i­cans — espe­cial­ly low-income kids, chil­dren of col­or, those with Eng­lish as a sec­ond lan­guage and chil­dren with dis­abil­i­ties. Fur­ther, while Head Start and the expan­sion of state-fund­ed pro­grams in recent decades have sub­stan­tial­ly improved preschool access, many chil­dren (par­tic­u­lar­ly 3‑year-olds) con­tin­ue to be left out. 

The Lat­est Find­ings on Preschool Enrollment 

More than half (54%) of the nation’s 3- to 4‑year-olds were not in preschool dur­ing 20182022, accord­ing to the KIDS COUNT® Data Cen­ter. The share of young kids who didn’t attend any preschool pro­gram — rep­re­sent­ing 4.3 mil­lion kids — has increased by two per­cent­age points since 20132017, con­sis­tent with oth­er find­ings that preschool enroll­ment remains below pre-pan­dem­ic levels.

The KIDS COUNT Data Cen­ter also tracks enroll­ment in the pub­lic Head Start pro­gram, which showed an increase in 2022 after a steep drop in 2021. Specif­i­cal­ly, among U.S. chil­dren ages 3 to 5 in Head Start, enroll­ment rose by 5% in 2022 — from 513,320 in 2021 to 538,496. This total is still far below the 712,350 kids enrolled pri­or to the pan­dem­ic in 2019. As researchers put it: The pan­dem­ic erased a decade of progress in preschool enroll­ment in state-fund­ed preschool pro­grams, preschool spe­cial edu­ca­tion, and Head Start.”

Lim­it­ed Access to Preschool Is Not a Recent Problem 

Children’s access to preschool dif­fers by income, race and eth­nic­i­ty, immi­grant sta­tus, lan­guage back­ground, dis­abil­i­ty sta­tus, geog­ra­phy and oth­er fac­tors, as indi­cat­ed by decades of research. When par­ents seek to uti­lize child care or preschool, they often strug­gle to find high-qual­i­ty, afford­able and avail­able options, and these chal­lenges are exac­er­bat­ed for fam­i­lies from his­tor­i­cal­ly mar­gin­al­ized communities.

Con­tribut­ing to this chal­lenge is the fact that very few states offer free, pub­lic preschool pro­grams start­ing at age 3, and only a hand­ful meet min­i­mum qual­i­ty stan­dards. America’s ear­ly edu­ca­tion and child care sys­tems are also chron­i­cal­ly under­fund­ed, and this issue is exac­er­bat­ed by wide­spread staffing short­ages in the field.

Explain­ing the Terms: Preschool, Ear­ly Child­hood Edu­ca­tion and Child Care

Experts gen­er­al­ly use the term preschool” to describe a broad range of ear­ly care and edu­ca­tion pro­grams for chil­dren ages 3 to 5, includ­ing those in fam­i­ly child care set­tings. These can be pri­vate­ly or pub­licly fund­ed pro­grams, such as Head Start and state-fund­ed programs.

The data in this snap­shot is based on a nar­row­er def­i­n­i­tion of preschool. The KIDS COUNT Data Cen­ter defines​“preschool” as edu­ca­tion­al expe­ri­ences offered in a group or class set­ting pri­or to kinder­garten, includ­ing pub­lic or pri­vate pro­grams. Chil­dren in pri­vate homes that pri­mar­i­ly pro­vide cus­to­di­al care are not included. 

The umbrel­la term​“ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion” (ECE) describes a vari­ety of devel­op­men­tal­ly appro­pri­ate care and edu­ca­tion­al pro­grams offered from birth to kinder­garten, includ­ing preschool. ECE can be offered in a num­ber of set­tings, such as homes, schools, child care facil­i­ties and faith-based institutions. 

Child care” describes a spec­trum of care that starts with infant care and includes com­pre­hen­sive ECE pro­grams. This care may be cen­ter-based or fam­i­ly home-based and deliv­ered for­mal­ly or infor­mal­ly. School-aged pro­gram­ming that is offered before school or after school is also con­sid­ered child care.

High-qual­i­ty pro­grams — whether preschool, ECE or child care — involve high­ly-skilled staff pro­vid­ing evi­dence-based care and learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties in devel­op­men­tal­ly, cul­tur­al­ly and lin­guis­ti­cal­ly appro­pri­ate ways. These pro­grams sup­port the health of the whole child, includ­ing their emo­tion­al and phys­i­cal well-being, and include strong fam­i­ly engage­ment, among oth­er aspects of quality.

Read more about the child care sys­tem and why it mat­ters in the KIDS COUNT Data Book

Per­sis­tent Bar­ri­ers to Preschool for Low-income Kids 

The KIDS COUNT Data Cen­ter tracked preschool enroll­ment by fam­i­ly income lev­el for more than 15 years — from 2005 to 2022 — and the find­ings are abun­dant­ly clear: Chil­dren from low-income fam­i­lies are less like­ly to access preschool com­pared to kids from high­er-income fam­i­lies. Over the entire peri­od, approx­i­mate­ly 60% of low-income kids did not attend preschool, while only 45% to 50% of high­er-income kids missed out on this opportunity. 

The lat­est data from the Nation­al Cen­ter for Edu­ca­tion Sta­tis­tics revealed sim­i­lar access dis­par­i­ties by income lev­el as well as by par­ent edu­ca­tion lev­el. For instance, in 2022, U.S. preschool enroll­ment rates among chil­dren ages 3 and 4 were:

  • 39% for kids liv­ing below the fed­er­al pover­ty lev­el, com­pared with 52% for those liv­ing above 185% of the pover­ty level.
  • 32% for kids liv­ing in house­holds where no par­ent had com­plet­ed high school, almost half the share (57%) of those liv­ing with par­ents who had at least a bachelor’s degree.

These find­ings echo a large body of research demon­strat­ing that chil­dren with socioe­co­nom­ic dis­ad­van­tages have less access to high-qual­i­ty ear­ly learn­ing pro­grams and face more bar­ri­ers to aca­d­e­m­ic achieve­ment in gen­er­al. Oth­er groups fac­ing sim­i­lar bar­ri­ers include chil­dren of col­or, immi­grant chil­dren, Eng­lish-lan­guage learn­ers and chil­dren with dis­abil­i­ties. Access to ear­ly edu­ca­tion also varies depend­ing on where chil­dren live.

Addi­tion­al Preschool Enroll­ment Find­ings by Race and Location 

By race and ethnicity:

  • In 20182022, par­tic­i­pa­tion rates by race and eth­nic­i­ty showed that, for chil­dren ages 3 to 4, Lati­no, Amer­i­can Indi­an or Alas­ka Native and mul­tira­cial kids were less like­ly to access preschool com­pared to their white, Black and Asian and Pacif­ic Islander peers. This range — describ­ing the share of kids not in preschool — ran from a high of 61% for Lati­no kids to a low of 52% for white and Asian and Pacif­ic Islander kids, accord­ing to the 2024 KIDS COUNT Data Book.
  • From 20172021 to 20182022, the share of kids not in preschool increased slight­ly for Amer­i­can Indi­an or Alas­ka Native (58% to 60%), Black (52% to 53%) and Asian and Pacif­ic Islander (51% to 52%) kids, accord­ing to the KIDS COUNT Data Book. Fig­ures for Lati­no, white and mul­tira­cial kids remained even.
  • Putting these find­ings into con­text, a 2024 con­sen­sus report by the Nation­al Acad­e­my of Sci­ences sum­ma­rized exist­ing research and found that racial­ly and lin­guis­ti­cal­ly mar­gin­al­ized chil­dren con­sis­tent­ly have more dif­fi­cul­ty access­ing preschool—particularly high-qual­i­ty pro­grams. Accord­ing to the report, when kids of col­or are able to access preschool, even with­in pro­grams, chil­dren from these com­mu­ni­ties often expe­ri­ence marked­ly low­er-qual­i­ty edu­ca­tion com­pared with their white, high­er-income, and native Eng­lish-speak­ing peers.” High-qual­i­ty pro­gram­ming is crit­i­cal to achiev­ing the ben­e­fits of ear­ly education.

By region and state:

  • In 20182022, kids ages 3 to 4 in the nation’s West­ern, Mid­west­ern and South­ern regions were less like­ly to access preschool rel­a­tive to their North­east­ern peers. This range — describ­ing the share of kids not in preschool — runs from a high of 57% in the West ver­sus a low of 45% in the Northeast.
  • Also from 20182022 but at the state-lev­el: The share of kids miss­ing out on preschool var­ied wide­ly, from lows of 22% in D.C. and 39% in Con­necti­cut and New Jer­sey to highs of 71% in West Vir­ginia and 70% in North Dako­ta. In 11 states across the nation, more than 60% of chil­dren ages 3 to 4 were not in preschool.Young Children Not in School: 2018-2022
  • Access to ear­ly edu­ca­tion pro­grams is a par­tic­u­lar chal­lenge in rur­al areas, with some esti­mat­ing that rur­al preschool enroll­ment is about half the rate in urban or semi-urban areas, accord­ing to a 2023 Nation­al Acad­e­my of Sci­ences report.
  • Look­ing at trends over time, 36 states and D.C saw preschool enroll­ment rates fall between 20132017 and 20182022, rang­ing from slight declines of one per­cent­age point to larg­er drops of sev­en points. 

Tak­ing Action to Improve Preschool Access and Quality 

Ear­ly child­hood is a crit­i­cal peri­od of devel­op­ment, and expe­ri­ences dur­ing this phase lay a foun­da­tion for long-term health and well-being. The lim­it­ed and inequitable access to high-qual­i­ty preschool is espe­cial­ly alarm­ing giv­en the following:

  • qual­i­ty ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion is strong­ly linked to lat­er stu­dent suc­cess and pos­i­tive health outcomes;
  • kids who can ben­e­fit the most from ear­ly learn­ing pro­grams are the least like­ly to access such pro­grams; and
  • ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion improves school readi­ness, and stu­dents who enter kinder­garten behind their peers may strug­gle for years to catch up.

Many par­ents rely on preschool and child care pro­grams in order to work. When fam­i­lies have access to afford­able, high-qual­i­ty ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion, both kids and their par­ents ben­e­fit. And by enabling par­ents to work or go to school, these pro­grams also have broad­er ben­e­fits for com­mu­ni­ties and the econ­o­my. Pri­or­i­tiz­ing equi­table access to such pro­grams is essential.

Experts rec­om­mend a range of actions to bol­ster access to qual­i­ty pro­grams, including:

  • com­mit­ting long-term fed­er­al fund­ing — com­men­su­rate with the esti­mat­ed cost of qual­i­ty pro­grams and the cost of reach­ing all eli­gi­ble chil­dren — to sta­bi­lize and strength­en the ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion infrastructure;
  • expand­ing the fed­er­al government’s work with states to ful­ly real­ize uni­ver­sal high-qual­i­ty pub­lic ear­ly edu­ca­tion, which would reduce inequities by geog­ra­phy and address gaps in oppor­tu­ni­ty, as described by the Nation­al Acad­e­my of Sci­ences;
  • increas­ing the sup­ply of high-qual­i­ty, afford­able child care, such as pro­vid­ing grants to providers, invest­ing in teacher wages or ben­e­fits, bol­ster­ing pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment efforts and oth­er inno­v­a­tive solu­tions; and
  • across all fed­er­al, state and local pro­grams, pri­or­i­tiz­ing reach­ing chil­dren who could ben­e­fit the most from ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion and chil­dren who are dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly underserved.

More Resources Relat­ed to Ear­ly Child­hood Education

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