Latest Results Report Show Significant Site Progress

JDAI sites continued to achieve significant reductions in the use of detention, while improving public safety and sending fewer youth to state facilities, according to the 2011 Annual Results Reports Summary.
Each year, JDAI sites provide Results Reports to the Annie E Casey Foundation, gauging the progress and impact of detention reform in their jurisdictions. The Results Reports ask sites to compile information from a recent year about 22 indicators of detention utilization, public safety, commitments to state facilities and racial/ethnic disparities; and to compare their performance on those indicators to what they experienced prior to implementing JDAI. The Results Reports also ask sites about their efforts to build support for detention reforms among state and local stakeholders and the general public, through media, information-sharing and education activities; and their success in leveraging resources to support detention reform.
For the third consecutive year, the Foundation has prepared a summary of the Results Reports that reveals the scope and impact of what JDAI sites are accomplishing. In the 2011 Results Reporting year, self-reported data from 94 sites – a 9% increase over 2010 – showed the following:
- About 2,845 fewer youth were detained on an average day, a decrease of 41% from pre-JDAI levels.
- Admissions to secure detention had fallen by almost 55,000, a decrease of 38%.
- Although youth of color continue to be a disproportionate share of those detained, sites reported that they detained almost 1,841 fewer youth of color on an average day, a decrease of 39% since beginning JDAI.
- Across the initiative there have been 4,237 fewer commitments to state custody, a decrease of 38%.
- These gains have been achieved amid broad reductions in juvenile crime, by an average of 32%.
- JDAI sites also held hundreds of trainings and public events to spread the message of detention reform, and leveraged over $39 million to invest in detention alternatives and other reforms.