Last Day Podcast Explores Gun Violence in America

Posted April 10, 2022
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
A group of Black men and women gather in front of an office building. They are standing next to a sign for “Cure Violence Atlanta” and CHRIS 180. The adults pictured are all wearing surgical masks, and t-shirts promoting Cure Violence Atlanta.

Launched on April 6, the third sea­son of Lemon­a­da Media’s Last Day pod­cast is exam­in­ing gun vio­lence in Amer­i­ca and solu­tions to com­bat it.

Lis­ten Now

Over the course of 10 episodes, host Stephanie Wit­tels Wachs talks to fam­i­lies in Mon­tana and Geor­gia who have lost loved ones to gun sui­cides and stray bul­lets, while also engag­ing com­mu­ni­ty groups work­ing to reduce gun-relat­ed deaths. CHRIS 180, which pro­vides behav­ioral health, hous­ing and youth ser­vices in the Atlanta area and coor­di­nates the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s com­mu­ni­ty safe­ty work in NPU‑V, is among the orga­ni­za­tions to which she speaks.

We always say at Lemon­a­da that first per­son sto­ries can save lives, and that’s been espe­cial­ly strik­ing this sea­son,” says Wit­tels Wachs. I, per­son­al­ly, had a very spe­cif­ic point of view around guns at the out­set of this process, but trav­el­ing to dif­fer­ent parts of the coun­try, meet­ing peo­ple in their liv­ing rooms, hear­ing them share their sto­ries in real time — it was incred­i­bly pow­er­ful and real­ly shift­ed my own point of view on this issue. I hope it has the same impact on our audience.”

The series received sup­port from the Casey Foun­da­tion, as well as the Every­town for Gun Safe­ty Sup­port Fund, Jed Foun­da­tion, Kende­da Fund, Levi Strauss & Co, Pritzk­er Puck­er Fam­i­ly Foun­da­tion and Urban Peace Institute. 

New episodes will be released each Tuesday.

Learn More About Efforts to Curb Com­mu­ni­ty Vio­lence in Mississippi

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