Data Snapshot Looks at Families and Kids in Foster Care

Child welfare systems in the United States are increasingly opting to place kids in foster care with families, according to a new data brief from the Casey Foundation. The publication, “Keeping Kids in Families,” reveals that 86% of kids were placed with families in 2017 — up 5 percentage points from 2007.
This good news, however, arrives with two clear caveats.
Teenagers in foster care were just as likely to end up in a group home in 2017 as they were 10 years prior. And while family placement rates for children of color improved from 2007 to 2017 (between 1 and 5 percentage points), rates for white children rose even more (6 percentage points) during this same time frame.
Read or download “Keeping Kids in Families”
Read the Casey Foundation’s news release about the snapshot’s findings