Juvenile Justice Resources: Webinar Recordings to Improve Practice

JDAIconnect, the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s online community for JDAI® practitioners and people interested in youth justice, hosts free webinars to share knowledge within the field. The one-hour webinars are coordinated by JDAI’s training partner the Pretrial Justice Institute and span a range of subjects from JDAI core strategies such as expediting case processing to newer initiatives to engage young people in system reform.
Recordings are available now for the 2019 webinars highlighted here and more. Join JDAIconnect to discuss what you’re watching.
Supporting Mid-Level Managers to Lead Justice System Transformation
This webinar shares leadership tips for supervisors and managers to build trust within their teams during periods of change and uncertainty. The webinar is based on the Justice Transformation Institute, which Justice System Partners created for the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice to develop its mid-level leadership. Recorded on November 15, 2019
I Am Why: Young Women Lead the Way to Justice
I Am Why is an approach to amplify young women’s insight and experience in ways that influence and promote system-related policies, practices and programs that are respectful, equitable and sources of opportunity. This webinar presents pilot work by young women and their allies, Massachusetts JDAI stakeholders and researchers. Recorded on November 6, 2019
Transformation in Virginia: An Overview of Virginia DJJ’s Service Continuum and Regional Service Delivery Model
Valerie Boykin, director of Virginia’s Department of Juvenile Justice, leads this webinar about her agency’s efforts to build a more robust continuum of services for young people. Agency leaders and their partners at AMIkids and Evidence-Based Associates discuss their implementation of a contracted regional service delivery model and the progress they have made, lessons learned and next steps. The material is geared toward peers in other states who are interested in similar system transformation. Recorded on October 7, 2019
The Cost of Liberty: Bail in the Juvenile Court
This webinar shares the findings in A Right to Liberty: Reforming Juvenile Money Bail, a qualitative study by the National Juvenile Defender Center on the use of money bail in the 19 states that allow it. The study reveals that money bail is used with “shocking regularity in juvenile courts…as a means of ensuring that youth are kept behind bars without any finding of guilt.” The discussion explores how local practices effect youth and their families in the juvenile legal system. Recorded on September 10, 2019
Expediting Case Processing
Justice practitioners in JDAI sites and related technical assistance organizations come together for mutual support and discussion about their work in expediting case processing. This is part of the JDAIconnect brunch and learn series, which is less formal than a traditional webinar. Recorded on June 7, 2019
A Global Movement to Reduce Length of Stay in Juvenile Detention
Juvenile Justice Advocates International, the organization founded by webinar panelist Douglas Keillor, released the report Children in Pretrial Detention: Promoting Stronger International Time Limits, the first international study on how long children spend in detention awaiting adjudication or trial. Around the world it is common for young people to spend longer in pretrial detention, where they are often subject to abuse, than they would for any eventual sentence. The webinar explores how JDAI and similar work in Mexico should set the international standard for reducing case processing times and why it is vital for youth well-being around the world. Recorded on May 20, 2019.