Juvenile Justice Publications for Lawmakers and Agencies

This resource roundup — highlighting materials developed by juvenile justice leaders and researchers with the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s support — shares new knowledge and key findings from the field.
“These publications are written for specific audiences — state lawmakers, prosecutors, youth probation staff and leadership and juvenile justice state advisory groups — by organizations credible to them because transforming youth justice requires commitment from multiple agencies and individuals,” says Opal West, a senior associate in the Foundation’s Juvenile Justice Strategy Group. “These resources promote approaches to youth justice that prioritize having a positive influence on youth while still holding them accountable for their actions.”
Juvenile Probation and Restorative Justice
Juvenile Justice: Young People and Restorative Justice
By National Conference of State Legislatures
This report examines restorative justice as a promising way for communities and lawmakers to understand and respond to crime. It describes four common types of restorative justice practices, which give people who have been harmed the opportunity to be heard, ask questions, seek restoration and gain closure. At the same time, individuals responsible for causing the harm accept accountability, apologize and make amends. Today, more than 50% of all states have adopted laws supporting restorative justice practices, and several states are pursuing legislation to fund restorative justice programming. This report offers guidance for both state lawmakers and prosecutors seeking to promote restorative justice practices.
Breaking the Rules: Rethinking Condition Setting and Enforcement in Juvenile Probation
By Council of State Governments
This tool kit guides juvenile probation agencies, courts and their partners to work together to reform their current approaches to condition setting and enforcement. Using the tools, jurisdictions can address the outsized role that probation conditions and technical violations play in driving new or extended probation cases and out-of-home placements. [Note, this resource was released by a Foundation grantee and supported by Arnold Ventures.]
The Essential Need for Partnering With Youth and Families to Fundamentally Transform Youth Probation
By Center for Juvenile Justice Reform at Georgetown University
This report offers strategies for probation officers to build authentic partnerships with the young people on their caseloads and the youths’ family members. Recommendations include using plain language everyone can understand, incorporating family strengths into probation case plans and providing individualized support to families so youth are able to thrive in safe and stable environments. The report explains why this is important for transforming juvenile probation and identifies common barriers. It offers examples from three jurisdictions that received certificates in probation transformation from Georgetown: the City of Charlottesville, Virginia; Multnomah County, Oregon; and Stark County, Ohio.
State Advisory Groups
Youth Partnership: A Call to Action for State Advisory Groups
By Coalition for Juvenile Justice
This guide provides practical support to juvenile justice state advisory groups (SAGs) in their efforts to achieve meaningful, authentic engagement with young people who have experienced the justice system. SAGs were established under the federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act in all 50 states. Their members are appointed by their respective governors and receive training and technical assistance on best practices in juvenile justice. The guide includes actions for SAGs — no matter their existing level of youth engagement — whether they’ve struggled to meet the basic requirements of youth engagement for years or are looking for new ways to deepen existing youth partnerships. Each stage of youth engagement — recruitment, onboarding and retention — is divided into 101 (introductory), 201 (intermediate) and 301 (advanced) levels of engagement. This helps SAGs to honestly assess their practices and readiness for authentic youth engagement and begin taking steps from wherever they are.
Probation Reform: A Tool Kit for Juvenile Justice State Advisory Groups
By Coalition for Juvenile Justice
This tool kit offers step-by-step guidance to juvenile justice SAGs to better understand and support probation transformation, with details about the new approaches focused on youth development being used by states and communities across the country. It describes how SAGS could help inform, influence and support policymakers and juvenile justice practitioners on probation transformation and provides resources to do so.