Join Juvenile Probation Chiefs on Visit to Pierce County, Washington

Posted August 12, 2024
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
A diverse group of smiling adults gather outside of the Pierce County Juvenile Court Building.

The Amer­i­can Pro­ba­tion and Parole Asso­ci­a­tion is offer­ing juve­nile pro­ba­tion chiefs, deputy chiefs or equiv­a­lent lead­ers an oppor­tu­ni­ty to vis­it peers in Wash­ing­ton State’s Pierce Coun­ty — home to Taco­ma. Fif­teen lead­ers will be select­ed for this trip through an open and com­pet­i­tive process. The vis­it is offered at no cost to atten­dees thanks to the association’s part­ner­ship with the Annie E. Casey Foundation.

Apply by Sept. 30

This oppor­tu­ni­ty is for inno­va­tors who want to trans­form pro­ba­tion in their juris­dic­tion. Appli­cants should be famil­iar with pro­ba­tion trans­for­ma­tion and excit­ed to learn from lead­ers, staff and com­mu­ni­ty part­ners in Pierce County.

Antic­i­pat­ed Site Vis­it Results

  • Inter­act with and learn from the peo­ple behind reform efforts in Pierce Coun­ty, includ­ing com­mu­ni­ty partners.
  • Under­stand how and why the court con­tin­ues to expand and strength­en com­mu­ni­ty part­ner­ships in ser­vice of results.
  • Appre­ci­ate the court’s orga­ni­za­tion­al cul­ture trans­for­ma­tion and the role cul­ture change plays in sys­tems inno­va­tion and accel­er­at­ed results.

Site vis­its ener­gize and equip lead­ers with knowl­edge to boost their own efforts and expand their think­ing on how to do bet­ter for young peo­ple,” said Opal West, a senior asso­ciate with the Foundation.

Trav­el and Vis­it Logistics

The vis­it will be from Tues­day, Dec. 10, to Wednes­day, Dec. 11, with the expec­ta­tion that par­tic­i­pants will arrive on Dec. 9 and depart late after­noon Dec. 11. Please only apply if you are cer­tain that you can be away from your office and fam­i­ly on those dates.

The Casey Foun­da­tion will fund all trip-relat­ed expens­es, includ­ing trav­el to and from Pierce Coun­ty, meals, lodg­ing and materials.

Appli­cants will be noti­fied on Oct. 21 of their selec­tion sta­tus. Select­ed par­tic­i­pants will be con­nect­ed to the Foundation’s trav­el agent who will make arrangements.

Why Pierce Coun­ty Is a Pro­ba­tion Leader

Pierce County’s juve­nile court demon­strates that most youth who get in trou­ble with the law can get back on track with­out any lev­el of incar­cer­a­tion or jus­tice involve­ment. Deploy­ing strate­gies root­ed in Casey’s vision for trans­form­ing juve­nile pro­ba­tion, the coun­ty offers an exam­ple of what is pos­si­ble when youth jus­tice sys­tems build strong com­mu­ni­ty part­ner­ships and pur­sue changes designed to max­i­mize con­nec­tions and oppor­tu­ni­ties for young peo­ple to become suc­cess­ful adults.

Read more about youth jus­tice reform in Pierce County:

Apply by Mon­day, Sept. 302024

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