JDAI Sites: Apply Now for New Staff Development Opportunity

Now through Jan. 25, 2018, agencies and organizations affiliated with a Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI™) site can apply to participate in a professional development program supported by the Annie E. Casey Foundation called Re-Imagining Juvenile Justice (RJJ).
This new program, taught by nationally recognized experts and innovators in the juvenile justice field, will consist of six daylong modules delivered over several months. RJJ participants will learn about embracing a developmental perspective when working with justice-involved youth. Frontline staff will also build skills needed to divert and redirect youth to appropriate and fair justice options, including options that require significant cross-system collaboration and coordination.
RJJ was successfully piloted with a cohort of 21 juvenile justice professionals in Massachusetts, a state actively engaged in JDAI. At its conclusion, participants were better equipped to support and develop the strengths of youth and their families.
“Young people need a connection to a consistent, caring adult in order to flourish,” says David E. Brown, a senior associate with the Casey Foundation’s Juvenile Justice Strategy Group. “If frontline staff can become that caring adult or ensure that each youth is connected to a caring adult, then the chance of a positive outcome is much higher.”
Because of the program’s system-wide scope, the selection process will favor applications representing a mix of stakeholders, agencies and departments. Training in the new JDAI site will begin in spring 2018 and cover the following topics:
- the fundamentals of positive youth development;
- collaboration across systems;
- youth voice and leadership;
- racial and ethnic equity; and
- family engagement.
On Jan. 10, 2018, at 3 p.m. EST, RJJ partners — the School & Main Institute and Wheelock College’s Juvenile Justice and Youth Advocacy Department— are teaming up with the Casey Foundation to host an informational webinar about the 2018 program.
To RSVP for the webinar, log on to JDAIconnect.org. After being redirected to the Casey Foundation’s Community Café page, users must click on the “Non-Casey Staff Login” link and follow the instructions.
In addition to registering for the webinar, logging on to JDAIconnect.org enables users to:
- learn more about the curriculum’s design and delivery; and
- access a link to the program’s application.