Improving Access to Support Services for Teens in Foster Care
An Instagram Live Conversation

All young people deserve support as they pursue education, obtain employment, maintain stable housing and prepare to be successful adults. Yet too few teens and young adults in foster care receive the federally funded services offered by child welfare agencies intended to do just that.
A Dec. 5 Instagram Live conversation featuring the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Todd Lloyd, senior associate for Child Welfare Policy, explored approaches to ensuring more young people get and benefit from these critical resources.
Joining Lloyd was Hope Cooper, campaign manager for the advocacy campaign Journey to Success, which seeks improvements to foster care policies and services. Also participating was Jordan Otero, a young leader with foster care experience. Otero is an L.E.A.D. ambassador at Foster Success in Indiana, a Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative® site. Foster Success and other sites in the Foundation’s Jim Casey Initiative work to ensure young people ages 14 to 26 have access to the relationships, resources and opportunities they need to thrive.
Twenty-five years ago, landmark federal legislation established the John H. Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood. Though many states use the Chafee program’s federal dollars to help young people in and transitioning from foster care, recent data show persistent limitations in providing vital training and resources, such as:
- housing vouchers;
- education aid; and
- employment training.
According to the Foundation’s report Fostering Youth Transitions 2023: State and National Data to Drive Foster Care Advocacy, fewer than a quarter of eligible teens and young adults received one or more Chafee services in 2021.
Cooper and Otero shared how their organizations use data, including feedback from young people with foster care experience, to identify gaps in the state services that prepare youth for independent living and advocate for improvements.
Watch the Instagram Live conversation
Learn more about the economic well-being of youth transitioning from foster care