Improving Access to Support Services for Teens in Foster Care - The Annie E. Casey Foundation

Improving Access to Support Services for Teens in Foster Care

An Instagram Live Conversation

Posted December 10, 2024
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog youthfostercareinsta 2024

All young peo­ple deserve sup­port as they pur­sue edu­ca­tion, obtain employ­ment, main­tain sta­ble hous­ing and pre­pare to be suc­cess­ful adults. Yet too few teens and young adults in fos­ter care receive the fed­er­al­ly fund­ed ser­vices offered by child wel­fare agen­cies intend­ed to do just that.

A Dec. 5 Insta­gram Live con­ver­sa­tion fea­tur­ing the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Todd Lloyd, senior asso­ciate for Child Wel­fare Pol­i­cy, explored approach­es to ensur­ing more young peo­ple get and ben­e­fit from these crit­i­cal resources.

Watch the conversation

Join­ing Lloyd was Hope Coop­er, cam­paign man­ag­er for the advo­ca­cy cam­paign Jour­ney to Suc­cess, which seeks improve­ments to fos­ter care poli­cies and ser­vices. Also par­tic­i­pat­ing was Jor­dan Otero, a young leader with fos­ter care expe­ri­ence. Otero is an L.E.A.D. ambas­sador at Fos­ter Suc­cess in Indi­ana, a Jim Casey Youth Oppor­tu­ni­ties Ini­tia­tive® site. Fos­ter Suc­cess and oth­er sites in the Foundation’s Jim Casey Ini­tia­tive work to ensure young peo­ple ages 14 to 26 have access to the rela­tion­ships, resources and oppor­tu­ni­ties they need to thrive.

Twen­ty-five years ago, land­mark fed­er­al leg­is­la­tion estab­lished the John H. Chafee Fos­ter Care Pro­gram for Suc­cess­ful Tran­si­tion to Adult­hood. Though many states use the Chafee program’s fed­er­al dol­lars to help young peo­ple in and tran­si­tion­ing from fos­ter care, recent data show per­sis­tent lim­i­ta­tions in pro­vid­ing vital train­ing and resources, such as:

Accord­ing to the Foundation’s report Fos­ter­ing Youth Tran­si­tions 2023: State and Nation­al Data to Dri­ve Fos­ter Care Advo­ca­cy, few­er than a quar­ter of eli­gi­ble teens and young adults received one or more Chafee ser­vices in 2021.

Coop­er and Otero shared how their orga­ni­za­tions use data, includ­ing feed­back from young peo­ple with fos­ter care expe­ri­ence, to iden­ti­fy gaps in the state ser­vices that pre­pare youth for inde­pen­dent liv­ing and advo­cate for improvements.

Watch the Insta­gram Live conversation

Learn more about the eco­nom­ic well-being of youth tran­si­tion­ing from fos­ter care

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