Guide to Fidelity Measurement for the Lifelong Families Model

Posted January 11, 2012
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog guidetofidelitymeasurement 2012

This toolk­it con­tains the 13 inven­to­ries and forms used to mea­sure fideli­ty when apply­ing the prin­ci­ples and com­po­nents of Life­long Fam­i­lies, a fos­ter care prac­tice mod­el. The guide” pro­vides a com­plete list of each inven­to­ry or form (A‑1 through E‑2), as well as the spe­cif­ic use for it and who should com­plete it.

Casey Fam­i­ly Ser­vices, the Foun­da­tion’s for­mer direct ser­vice agency, devel­oped the mod­el. Ref­er­ences to CFS refer to the role of the agency in imple­ment­ing the model.

Down­load Materials

Guide Mas­ter Document

Form A‑1: Indi­vid­ual and Joint Meet­ing Prepa­ra­tion Inven­to­ry – Youth Ver­sion 
Form A‑2: Indi­vid­ual and Joint Meet­ing Prepa­ra­tion Inven­to­ry – Team Mem­ber Ver­sion 
Form A‑3: Indi­vid­ual and Joint Meet­ing Prepa­ra­tion Inven­to­ry – Social Work­er Ver­sion 

Form B‑1: Large Team Meet­ing Inven­to­ry – Youth Ver­sion 
Form B‑2: Large Team Meet­ing Inven­to­ry – Team Mem­bers Ver­sion 
Form B‑3: Large Team Meet­ing Inven­to­ry – Social Work­er Ver­sion 

Form C: Fam­i­ly and Sig­nif­i­cant Peo­ple Find­ing Form 

Form D‑1: Youth Per­ma­nen­cy Prepa­ra­tion Meet­ing Inven­to­ry – Youth Ver­sion 
Form D‑2: Youth Per­ma­nen­cy Prepa­ra­tion Meet­ing Inven­to­ry – Social Work­er Ver­sion 

Form E‑1: Struc­tured Col­lab­o­ra­tion for Per­ma­nen­cy” Inven­to­ry – State Social Work­er Ver­sion 
Form E‑2: Struc­tured Col­lab­o­ra­tion for Per­ma­nen­cy” Inven­to­ry – Social Work­er Ver­sion 

Form F‑1: Fam­i­ly Per­ma­nen­cy Prepa­ra­tion Meet­ing Inven­to­ry – Care­giv­er Ver­sion 
Form F‑2: Fam­i­ly Per­ma­nen­cy Prepa­ra­tion Meet­ing Inven­to­ry – Social Work­er Version

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