Framing Youth Mental Health for Well-Being and Opportunity
This session, one in a six-part webinar series, aims to help advocates improve how they communicate about youth mental health and strengthen their outreach efforts to key stakeholders and decision makers.
Posted: May 31, 2023
Run time: 1 hour, 20 minutes
Featured panelists
Marisa Gerstein Pineau
Marisa Gerstein Pineau is the director of research application at FrameWorks Institute, an independent nonprofit that researches how to reframe social and scientific topics to effectively communicate about those same topics.
Isabel Ohakamma
Isabel Ohakamma served on the Youth National Scientific Council on Adolescence at the University of California, Los Angeles Center for the Developing Adolescent. This council is composed of young people who are dedicated to promoting the positive development and well-being of youth.
Primo Lagaso Goldberg
Primo Lagaso Goldberg is a social impact analyst and program consultant for Hopelab, a private foundation and social innovation lab dedicated to creating behavior-change tech to help teens and young adults live.