Foundation Welcomes First Class of Rising Leaders for Results Fellows

Posted November 13, 2023
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
A Black man leans forward in his chair, while addressing a small group of peers in a relaxed, but professional setting.

The Annie E. Casey Foun­da­tion has select­ed 14 emerg­ing lead­ers for the inau­gur­al class of its Ris­ing Lead­ers for Results Fel­low­ship. The cohort — which ranges in age from 24 to 31 and rep­re­sents the pub­lic, non­prof­it and for-prof­it sec­tors — will use the Fel­low­ship term to work with­in their orga­ni­za­tions and com­mu­ni­ties toward spe­cif­ic, mea­sur­able improve­ments for young peo­ple and families.

We are excit­ed to wel­come these tal­ent­ed young lead­ers and hope they will devel­op close con­nec­tions with the Foun­da­tion,” says Lisa Hamil­ton, pres­i­dent and CEO of the Casey Foun­da­tion.​“Already, they are advo­cat­ing for and sup­port­ing neigh­bor­hoods and com­mu­ni­ties where needs are the great­est and resources are few.”

The 2023 Ris­ing Lead­ers for Results Fellows

Vilas Annavara­pu
Found­ing Mem­ber, River­side Col­lec­tive
Jack­son, Mississippi

Tirth­na Bad­hi­wala
Direc­tor, Oper­a­tions, The Lit­er­a­cy Lab
Wash­ing­ton, D.C.

Kelsey Bala
Pol­i­cy Ana­lyst, Rhode Island KIDS COUNT
Prov­i­dence, Rhode Island

Aravind Boddu­pal­li
Research Asso­ciate, Urban Insti­tute
Wash­ing­ton, D.C.

Tashon­na Dou­glas
Project Man­ag­er, Coach­ing, Striv­e­To­geth­er
Cincin­nati, Ohio

Jaren Gaither
Senior Pol­i­cy Research Asso­ciate, First 5 Cen­ter for Chil­dren’s Pol­i­cy
Alame­da, California

Kevin Lewis
Direc­tor, Cur­ricu­lum and Train­ing, Beloved Com­mu­ni­ty
New Orleans, Louisiana

Adanech Makey
Direc­tor, Civic Engage­ment and Advo­ca­cy, Jump­start for Young Chil­dren
New York, New York

Kar­la Mar­tinez
Pol­i­cy Ana­lyst, Every Tex­an
Austin, Texas

Chi­ka Mora
Man­ag­ing Direc­tor, Oper­a­tions, Penn­syl­va­nia Edu­ca­tor Diver­si­ty Con­sor­tium
Exton, Penn­syl­va­nia

Alan­na Ojib­way
Assis­tant Direc­tor, Edu­ca­tion and Out­reach, Nation­al Cen­ter on Restora­tive Jus­tice at Ver­mont Law School
Wilder, Ver­mont

Sarah Reyes
Youth Jus­tice Pol­i­cy Direc­tor, Texas Cen­ter for Jus­tice & Equi­ty
Austin, Texas

Nicholas Sailor
Nation­al Direc­tor, Diver­si­ty, Equi­ty and Inclu­sion, Boys & Girls Clubs of Amer­i­ca
Atlanta, Geor­gia

Jas Snell
Senior Con­sul­tant, Mad­dy Day, LLC and Asso­ciates
Chat­tanooga, Tennessee

What Is the Ris­ing Lead­ers for Results Fellowship?

The Ris­ing Lead­ers for Results Fel­low­ship is a 21-month, mul­ti-ses­­sion pro­gram that pro­vides sev­er­al oppor­tu­ni­ties for novice lead­ers to accel­er­ate their impact now and over the arc of their careers by:

  • sharp­ening and deep­ening their lead­er­ship skills;
  • expand­ing their horizons;
  • advo­cating for them­selves; and
  • grow­ing their networks.

Through the Fel­low­ship, the young lead­ers will deep­en their skills and capac­i­ty to ignite action with oth­ers to advance and achieve equi­table out­comes,” says Leslie Boissiere, vice pres­i­dent of exter­nal affairs at the Foun­da­tion, who over­sees the Fel­low­ship as part of a port­fo­lio of results-based lead­er­ship devel­op­ment initiatives.

The Fel­lows will attend the first sem­i­nar in Jan­u­ary 2024.

Find out how Results Count helps phil­an­thropic lead­ers advance equi­ty in their work

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