Five States Selected for New Initiative to Help Parents and Kids Succeed Together

The National Governors Association (NGA) and the Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP) selected five states — Colorado, Georgia, Minnesota, New Jersey and Oregon — to participate in their Parents and Children Thriving Together initiative.
This new effort, which Casey is supporting along with the W.K. Kellogg and Doris Duke Charitable foundations, aims to promote two-generation policies and programs in states — and connect low-income families with early childhood education, job training and other tools to achieve financial stability and break the cycle of poverty.
“Casey’s investments are driven by our basic belief that kids do better when their parents do better,” said Rosa Maria Castañeda, a senior associate who manages two-generation investments for the Foundation. “These states have proven they are ready to do what it takes and put that idea into practice at a much larger scale.”
As part of Parents and Children Thriving Together, the states will work with experts to explore strengths and weaknesses in their systems and identify ways to align a range of child- and adult-focused programs — including workforce development, human services, education, health and child care. They will receive two years of intensive technical assistance, peer-networking opportunities and financial support as they work to address the needs of parents and children together.
“This group represents great political and geographic diversity,” Castañeda says. “They each shared a bold plan for working with their governors, and across agency lines, to develop the types of policy reforms we know can lead to brighter futures for millions of families. We are excited to see the unique approach they take.”
Learn more about the Foundation’s work in these five states and access additional resources below.