Federal Demonstration Seeks to Curb Homelessness Among Youth Transitioning from Foster Care

Under a new U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) program, many young people transitioning from foster care could receive help with housing. The federal effort is designed to address the troubling trend of homelessness among this population.
The new program is a demonstration project that seeks to support the housing needs of young people in transition from foster care. Public Housing Agencies (PHA) who have a Family Unification Program (FUP) and a Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program may apply for the program.
The demonstration lengthens the time a youth can receive housing assistance from a participating PHA from 18 to 60 months. It will also provide these youth with an FSS case manager, who will coordinate supportive services, and an interest-bearing escrow account that participants can use after graduating from the program.
The Foundation’s Todd Lloyd, senior policy associate, co-authored an article with CHS about this exciting development.