Children Who Are Adopted by Relatives on the Rise

The percentage of kids adopted by relatives increased by 72% between 2000 and 2013.
In 2013, approximately 51,000 children from the child welfare system were adopted. Young children, ages birth to 5 (58%) and non-Hispanic white children (47%) comprised the largest proportion of kids adopted. Foster parents adopted 58% of these kids, with relatives (31%) and nonrelatives (26%) also adopting.
Explore new Foster Care Adoption data available for the nation, states and the District of Columbia in the KIDS COUNT Data Center:
- Children in child welfare system who have been adopted
- Children in child welfare system who have been adopted by age group
- Children in child welare system who have been adopted by pre-adoptive relationship with adoptive parents
- Children in child welfare system who have been adopted by race and Hispanic origin