States Speeding Up Adoption Wait Times

Posted September 7, 2015
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog statesspeedingupadoptionwaittimes 2015

Since 2000, the per­cent of chil­dren wait­ing more than three years to be adopt­ed dropped by 35%, mov­ing from 48% to 31%.

In 2013, approx­i­mate­ly 102,000 chil­dren in fos­ter care were wait­ing for adop­tion, 28,000 less than in 2000. Non-His­pan­ic white chil­dren (42%) and younger chil­dren, ages birth to 5, (44%) were more like­ly to be in fos­ter care wait­ing for adop­tion. Data also show that of the kids wait­ing for adop­tion, 31% had been wait­ing for more than three years and that only 14% have been wait­ing for less than a year.

Explore new Fos­ter Care Adop­tion data avail­able for the nation, states and the Dis­trict of Colum­bia in the KIDS COUNT Data Center:

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