Child and Teen Death Rates on the Decline

Since 1990, the mortality rate for American kids has declined 48% — to 24 deaths for every 100,000 children ages 1 to 19.
Kids ages 15 to 19 experienced the largest drop in mortality rate during this time period. In 1990, the death rate was 88 for every 100,000 teens. By 2014, this rate had improved to 46 deaths for every 100,000 teens.
Of all racial and ethnic groups evaluated, black teens had the highest mortality rate (62 deaths per 100,000 teens) and Asian and Pacific Islander teens the lowest (23 deaths per 100,000 teens).
An array of factors contributes to child and teen mortality rates, including: overall physical and behavioral health, access to medical care, and — especially in younger children — the quality of adult supervision.

Visit the KIDS COUNT Data Center to explore new mortality data for the nation, states and the District of Columbia: