Casey’s New Project Has a Familiar Focus: Maintaining Safe, Affordable Housing in Atlanta

Posted September 25, 2018
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Capitol View Apartments in Atlanta are getting an update to support affordable housing.

Photo provided by Columbia Residential.

In Atlanta’s Adair Park neigh­bor­hood, devel­op­ment pres­sure and revi­tal­iza­tion are putting afford­able hous­ing out of reach for many families.

Enter the Annie E. Casey Foun­da­tion and its part­ners, who are work­ing to trans­form a local apart­ment build­ing into mod­ern, afford­able one- and two-bed­room apart­ments for low-income families.

The project is one of sev­er­al Foun­da­tion-led efforts to ensure that res­i­dents on Atlanta’s south­side have access to safe, sta­ble and afford­able hous­ing options. Capi­tol View Apart­ments — orig­i­nal­ly built in the 1940s — is locat­ed just four miles from down­town and near a pri­ma­ry entrance to the Atlanta BeltLine’s West­side Trail. Pitts­burgh Yards, a 31-acre mixed use rede­vel­op­ment project, is also close by.

As progress on the Belt­Line con­tin­ues, it’s more impor­tant than ever to inten­tion­al­ly cre­ate and pre­serve qual­i­ty, afford­able hous­ing options for exist­ing res­i­dents,” says Natal­lie Keis­er, a senior asso­ciate at the Casey Foundation’s Atlanta Civic Site.

Casey’s part­ners in this effort are:

The project — which will incor­po­rate new build­ing sys­tems, inte­ri­ors, ameni­ties and spaces that main­tain the facility’s his­toric char­ac­ter — is still in the plan­ning stages, with con­struc­tion slat­ed to begin in mid-2019.

Read more about Casey’s hous­ing efforts in Atlanta

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