Casey Joins Effort to Help Millions of Americans Achieve Housing Stability

Posted February 24, 2018
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Casey joins effort to help with housing stability

Susie Fitzhugh for the Casey Foundation

More than 12 mil­lion Amer­i­cans are strug­gling with high rent bur­dens to man­age or no place to call home. Yet, afford­able and acces­si­ble hous­ing plays a key role in help­ing both neigh­bors and neigh­bor­hoods thrive, accord­ing to research.

That’s why the Annie E. Casey Foun­da­tion has joined Fun­ders for Hous­ing and Oppor­tu­ni­ty — a col­lab­o­ra­tive of nine pri­vate foun­da­tions that is work­ing to improve lives by ensur­ing that fam­i­lies can afford safe, sta­ble rentals in healthy communities.

These nine foun­da­tions believe that hous­ing secu­ri­ty is a cross-sec­tor issue that can gen­er­ate real path­ways to oppor­tu­ni­ties. They also believe that coop­er­a­tion is nec­es­sary for suc­cess. By join­ing forces, the col­lab­o­ra­tive mem­bers — which sep­a­rate­ly invest­ed more than $65 mil­lion in domes­tic hous­ing-relat­ed activ­i­ties in 2017 — hope to expand their reach as well as their capac­i­ty to lever­age funds and align strategies.

To this end, Fun­ders for Hous­ing and Oppor­tu­ni­ty is mak­ing invest­ments — $5 mil­lion over the next three years so far — that will spark large-scale change on three fronts:

  1. engag­ing in nation­al and state-lev­el advo­ca­cy work and res­i­dent engage­ment to dri­ve pol­i­cy changes at the local, state, and fed­er­al levels;
  2. rais­ing aware­ness about why hous­ing mat­ters and its con­nec­tion to oppor­tu­ni­ty; and
  3. sup­port­ing proven and replic­a­ble local- and state-lev­el ini­tia­tives that expand cross-sec­tor solutions.

Safe, decent hous­ing is a must on the list of things kids and fam­i­lies need to thrive,” says Charles Rutheis­er, a senior asso­ciate at the Casey Foun­da­tion and a found­ing mem­ber of Fun­ders for Hous­ing and Oppor­tu­ni­ty. But afford­able rentals are hard to come by — espe­cial­ly for low­er-income peo­ple of col­or. By work­ing togeth­er, we hope to bring greater atten­tion and focus to the afford­able rental hous­ing cri­sis, and push for long-term pol­i­cy solu­tions to ensure all Amer­i­cans have a safe place to call home.”

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