The Casey Foundation Names Kimberley Brown and Katie Tetrault as Vice Presidents

Posted October 1, 2019
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Kimberley Brown and Katie Tetrault

Kimberley Brown and Katie Tetrault

The Annie E. Casey Foun­da­tion has two new vice pres­i­dents: Kim­ber­ley Brown, who has been named the Foundation’s vice pres­i­dent of human resources, and Katie Tetrault, now vice pres­i­dent of finance and grants man­age­ment. The appoint­ments are effec­tive today.

Brown joined the Casey Foun­da­tion in 2015 and has served since then as direc­tor of human resources and tal­ent strate­gies. Dur­ing her tenure, the Foun­da­tion has enhanced process­es for ori­en­ta­tion, onboard­ing and per­for­mance reviews and has devel­oped a train­ing pro­gram to help man­agers lead and sup­port their teams more effec­tive­ly. Brown is also cred­it­ed with ensur­ing staff ben­e­fits remain com­pet­i­tive and comprehensive.

Tetrault came to the Casey Foun­da­tion in 2010, tak­ing on the role of man­ag­er of finan­cial report­ing and com­pli­ance. She advanced to become the Foundation’s con­troller, then its direc­tor of finance and grants man­age­ment. Tetrault has super­vised all aspects of gen­er­al and invest­ment account­ing and report­ing; pay­roll; and tax and reg­u­la­to­ry mat­ters. She has led the devel­op­ment of the Foundation’s bud­get and, begin­ning this year, she assumed over­sight of grant processing.

Kim and Katie are expe­ri­enced pro­fes­sion­als who have pro­vid­ed valu­able strate­gic insight through­out their tenure at the Casey Foun­da­tion. We will ben­e­fit tremen­dous­ly from hav­ing them serve in these new roles,” said Foun­da­tion Pres­i­dent and CEO Lisa Hamil­ton.

Sus­tain­ing a skilled, diverse work­force at our offices in Bal­ti­more and Atlanta and wise­ly man­ag­ing our finances are both essen­tial to the well-being of the Casey Foun­da­tion, and Kim and Katie will be excel­lent lead­ers in these areas,” said John Kim, the Foundation’s chief admin­is­tra­tive officer.

Brown arrived at the Foun­da­tion with more than 20 years of expe­ri­ence as a human resources pro­fes­sion­al. She pre­vi­ous­ly worked as direc­tor of human resources at the Wash­ing­ton Home and Com­mu­ni­ty Hos­pices. Brown holds a bachelor’s degree in busi­ness admin­is­tra­tion and an MBA from Sal­is­bury University.

Pre­vi­ous­ly, Tetrault worked at the nation­al account­ing firm Grant Thorn­ton LLP for 10 years, even­tu­al­ly as a senior man­ag­er work­ing in the firm’s nation­al office. She holds a bachelor’s degree from North Car­oli­na State Uni­ver­si­ty and an MBA from Loy­ola Uni­ver­si­ty (Mary­land).