Casey Foundation Grantee Featured in Policy & Practice

The American Public Human Services Association featured Case Commons, a Casey Foundation grantee, in its June 2015 issue of Policy & Practice, a leading authority on public human services.
In the article, the Foundation’s Teresa Markowitz cites Cases Commons’ case management tool, Casebook, as an example of how technology can improve the quality of casework and child welfare services.
The mention is part of a broader look at the critical technology deficit found in today’s human services agencies due to regulatory barriers and procurement challenges. “Despite these roadblocks,” says Markowitz, “real technology innovation in human services is possible — and within reach.” The story also celebrates a recent federal waiver that is unleashing new technology opportunities in the human services sector and offering state and local agencies more leverage to break logjams and achieve their technology innovation goals.
The article identifies Case Commons as a prime example of how greater federal funding can improve technology opportunities for state agencies, which can lead to better services and outcomes for vulnerable families and children. The state of Indiana has successfully implemented Casebook as a component of its updated child welfare system, and it will continue to fund software updates and maintenance for the technology thanks to a new federal waiver granted in 2014. In Markowitz’s words, this success shows “how small moves can yield big results.”
To learn more about Case Commons and the role of federal financing in improving technology for human services, read the full article.