Capturing the Big Ideas to Create More Jobs

Posted December 12, 2011
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Blog Capturingthe Big Ideasto Create More Jobs 2014

In 2010, the Annie E. Casey Foun­da­tion and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, Berke­ley, brought togeth­er more than a dozen lead­ing experts from var­i­ous fields and chal­lenged them to devel­op inno­v­a­tive ideas for short-term job cre­ation. The W.K. Kel­logg Foun­da­tion lat­er came on board and the project, now known as Big Ideas for Jobs, released its first round of ideas at a Wash­ing­ton, D.C., forum in Novem­ber 2011.

But project lead­ers Bob Giloth, a Casey vice pres­i­dent, and Karen Chap­ple, a Berke­ley pro­fes­sor, want­ed to go fur­ther and tap into promis­ing ideas that were already being imple­ment­ed at the local lev­el. Com­mu­ni­ties and gov­ern­ments across the coun­try have been feel­ing the effects of job loss­es and are try­ing a vari­ety of cre­ative approach­es to get peo­ple back to work.

The Big Ideas for Jobs web­site launched as a por­tal where elect­ed offi­cials, as well as busi­ness and local lead­ers, can learn from one anoth­er, dis­cov­er new ideas and devel­op a com­mu­ni­ty where every­one can high­light what’s work­ing. The site’s State and Local Gov­ern­ment sec­tion, for exam­ple, fea­tures job-cre­ation pro­pos­als from gov­er­nors and may­ors. The Com­mu­ni­ty and Busi­ness sec­tion high­lights what local busi­ness­es are doing to help the econ­o­my. And you can join the con­ver­sa­tion, too, by shar­ing your community’s suc­cess­ful job-cre­ation strate­gies or becom­ing a guest blogger.

The site has three main sections:

As the econ­o­my changes and the needs of our work­force evolve, this web­site serves to jump-start a mean­ing­ful nation­al con­ver­sa­tion on sound solu­tions to job cre­ation. Big Ideas for Jobs released a new round of ideas from experts ear­li­er this year and hopes these pro­pos­als will spur more inno­va­tion to con­nect peo­ple to jobs.

To learn more about Big Ideas for Jobs, con­tact Taman­na Mansury.

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