Atlanta's Sheltering Arms Leads Project to Expand Use of Two-Generation Strategies in Three States

The commitment to create opportunities for children and their parents to succeed together is spreading: A new three-year project funded by the Buffett Early Childhood Fund will support the use of two-generation approaches at Educare schools in Arizona, Louisiana and Maine.
Our local partner in Atlanta, Sheltering Arms Early Education and Family Centers, has been tapped to lead the project. Sheltering Arms, which runs Educare Atlanta, has worked closely with Dunbar Elementary School and the Center for Working Families Inc. over the past couple years to address the needs of the children and parents they serve in southwest Atlanta so that both can thrive. Located in the same city block, the partners provide young children with access to high-quality early childhood and elementary education while connecting their parents with secure jobs and opportunities to strengthen their ability to support their children’s development.
The experience of the Atlanta partners will help inform the efforts of the three Educare schools participating in the project, with the ultimate goal of establishing and strengthening a more comprehensive approach to working with families in those schools. The project is expected to reach about 600 more children and their families.
The work of our partners in Atlanta garnered national attention earlier this year in the lead story of a series from The Atlantic on poverty in Georgia.