Atlanta Community Investment Fund Seeks 2016 Grant Applicants

Through the Community Investment Fund, we provide small grants to community-based organizations and resident networks in Atlanta to develop community-driven responses to common challenges. Grants support resident-led projects in Atlanta’s Adair Park, Mechanicsville, Peoplestown, Pittsburgh, Summerhill and Capitol Gateway neighborhoods — collectively known as Neighborhood Planning Unit V.
The Foundation’s Atlanta Civic Site team works with a group of volunteer residents selected from each neighborhood to design the application, funding criteria and grant-making process for a total of $50,000 in mini awards throughout the year.
These small grants aim to:
- support volunteers and grassroots organizations in taking ownership in improving their communities;
- foster relationships by encouraging diverse community partnerships to work toward common goals;
- build capacity within the community through training and leadership development; and
- support and track at least one measureable neighborhood improvement from each grantee, with the understanding that incremental improvements lead to broader community impact.
Because the fund is one of only a few local grant opportunities open to groups without nonprofit status, many of the grantees are volunteer groups or start-ups that are able to leverage a small investment in many ways to maximize their impact.
Awards range from $500–$5,000 annually. The deadline for 2016 submissions is 5 p.m. Friday, March 18.
Learn more about the 2016 Community Investment Fund
Download the 2016 Community Investment Fund Application