Apply Today: Atlanta Leadership Program for NPU-V Residents

Posted March 24, 2019
By the Annie E. Casey Foundation
Community member with young person from Atlanta

Photo credit: Jason E. Miczek for the Casey Foundation

The Part­ner­ship for South­ern Equi­ty and the Annie E. Casey Foun­da­tion are seek­ing appli­cants for Res­i­dent Lead­ers for Equi­ty, a pro­gram that equips indi­vid­u­als liv­ing in Atlanta’s Neigh­bor­hood Plan­ning Unit‑V (NPU‑V) with tools and resources to cre­ate pos­i­tive com­mu­ni­ty change.

Res­i­dents of the Adair Park, Capi­tol Gate­way, Mechan­icsville, Peo­plestown, Pitts­burgh and Sum­mer­hill com­mu­ni­ties can apply to the pro­gram through April 7, 2019. Up to 15 slots are avail­able, and par­tic­i­pants must com­mit to attend­ing eight meet­ings. Dur­ing these ses­sions, indi­vid­u­als will explore a vari­ety of top­ics — from racism, dis­place­ment and gen­tri­fi­ca­tion to com­mu­ni­ty orga­ni­za­tion and mobi­liza­tion strategies.

In 2018the program’s inau­gur­al year — par­tic­i­pants planned and facil­i­tat­ed an annu­al NPU‑V com­mu­ni­ty forum where near­ly 70 res­i­dents gen­er­at­ed action steps for cross-neigh­bor­hood progress.

More than any­thing, this pro­gram helped me see that effec­tive com­mu­ni­ty orga­niz­ing can only pro­ceed on the basis of gen­uine­ly trust­ing rela­tion­ships,” says Jason Rhodes, a 2018 par­tic­i­pant from Sum­mer­hill. We cre­at­ed those rela­tion­ships over the course of our nine months togeth­er and have now formed an effec­tive orga­niz­ing team that draws on the strengths of that diversity.”

Inter­est­ed res­i­dents should email their appli­ca­tions to the Casey Foundation’s Ade Ogun­toye.

They also can deliv­er appli­ca­tions in per­son or mail them to:

The Annie E. Casey Foundation
Attn: Res­i­dent Lead­ers for Equity,
477 Wind­sor St., SW, Suite 304
Atlanta, GA 30312

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