Apply Today: Atlanta Leadership Program for NPU-V Residents

Photo credit: Jason E. Miczek for the Casey Foundation
The Partnership for Southern Equity and the Annie E. Casey Foundation are seeking applicants for Resident Leaders for Equity, a program that equips individuals living in Atlanta’s Neighborhood Planning Unit‑V (NPU‑V) with tools and resources to create positive community change.
Residents of the Adair Park, Capitol Gateway, Mechanicsville, Peoplestown, Pittsburgh and Summerhill communities can apply to the program through April 7, 2019. Up to 15 slots are available, and participants must commit to attending eight meetings. During these sessions, individuals will explore a variety of topics — from racism, displacement and gentrification to community organization and mobilization strategies.
In 2018 — the program’s inaugural year — participants planned and facilitated an annual NPU‑V community forum where nearly 70 residents generated action steps for cross-neighborhood progress.
“More than anything, this program helped me see that effective community organizing can only proceed on the basis of genuinely trusting relationships,” says Jason Rhodes, a 2018 participant from Summerhill. “We created those relationships over the course of our nine months together and have now formed an effective organizing team that draws on the strengths of that diversity.”
Interested residents should email their applications to the Casey Foundation’s Ade Oguntoye.
They also can deliver applications in person or mail them to:
The Annie E. Casey Foundation
Attn: Resident Leaders for Equity,
477 Windsor St., SW, Suite 304
Atlanta, GA 30312